11/26/2024 | puyo puyo blog
decided to turn everyone into a pokemon x3
some are for their pokedex entries and some are for appearance (and some are arle who i struggled so hard with i just said 'eevee' and called it a day)
arle - eevee
rulue - lucario
schezo - ceruledge
satan - giratina
witch - mismagius
draco - flygon
sketoudara - tatsugiri
amitie - pikachu
raffina - mienfoo
sig - clauncher
klug - yamask (holding book instead of mask)
lidelle - dolliv
tartar - golett
lemres - alcremie (mocha + star)
feli - gothorita
yu + rei - zweilous
ocean prince - magikarp
otomo - gastrodon(west)
ms accord - meloetta
popoi - mimikyu
ringo - flapple
risukuma - bewear
maguro - aipom
ecolo - deoxys
tee - illumise (trans rights.!!!)
ess - servine
elle - plusle
jay - minun
ai - lycanroc (day)
zed - rotom (frost)
x - celebi
bonus 2:
meena - cresselia